Trust The Process

Trust The Process

Do You Make The Sunrise Or Trust The Process?

Think about it. When things go wrong that you have planned, it’s easy to get mad, disappointed, and discouraged, right? What if you trust the process. Like the weather, we can hope for conditions favorable to our activity. Ultimately though, it is out of our hands so we trust the process.

Failure Is Inevitable?

I have heard that failure is inevitable and I have also heard it said that there is no such thing as failure, just redirection. The bottom line is, from time to time things are not going to work out the way you planned it. You are not always going to achieve your desired outcome.


Trust The Process In the GeniusLab With Toby Christensen

What Are You Really Frustrated About?

When catastrophic disappointment overcomes you. You are probably not reacting to the event at hand. Most of the time you are reacting to the event at hand and all the other times this shit has happened to you your whole life! When you let the past go, the present time will have a much lighter load.

There is a powerful process that can set you free from past disappointments, anger, hurt, betrayal, etc.

Trust The Process In The GeniusLab With Toby Christensen

Emotional Clearing Technique

Like a rainbow after a rainstorm, the emotional clearing technique clears the negative emotions from the past that are connected to traumatic memories. These unresolved memories are often triggered when we experience a similar event in the present time. Clear the past and you will find that you are able to trust the process and find hope in a new and better way!

Ready To Get Clear?

Click the link below to contact me. Let’s get run you through this powerful protocol and set you free from the past so you can thrive today! CLICK HERE


Categorized as Coaching

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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