The HealingDrum Bringing Healing and Transformation

Trust and Confidence

Some of the most important aspects of our healing work at HealingDrummer are, one, properly training practitioners to bring healing to the world with authenticity and proper ethical conduct, and two, listen to those who come to us for healing. It is a very big responsibility be trusted with the openhearted vulnerability of one who has come for treatment. It has always been our intention to honor this trust in the most sacred way.

Our founder, Toby Christensen is the cornerstone of our teaching and healing protocol. He has studied with many indigenous and western teachers alike. Although always able to teach, not all of his teachers have been shall we say, good examples to follow in their personal and professional conduct. As Toby says, “sometimes when you become close friends with your teacher, you see things you wish you hadn’t.” Robert Bly once said, “a mentor will never have you over for dinner. That is a different kind of relationship”. I see the wisdom in this boundary. This is why it is so important to live impeccably. Rumors will surface from time to time as we have seen over the years, but unsubstantiated rumors dissolve quickly so we don’t spend much time on them when they surface.

What we like to focus on is bringing the healing energy to the world –

Here is a great commentary we received:

Toby Christensen, the Healing Drummer, is filled with passion and the spirit.

He takes African Drumming and all it’s primitive power and combines it with the style of a Rock Star. It is a blend of the very old and the right now. Modern and primitive.

It helps to unleash my energy to awaken what has been asleep.

This is a wonderful sexy wounded man child who has found his place in the universe and thus his power.
And it is this weird thing. I mean a white shaman! A white guy with the African drum beating over me. And yet it worked. How, I don’t know and do I really care? I believe him because he believes it, because he earned it. His own journey

Something deep inside me understood and circumvented my brain and I quit smoking. There is true power here, not to be denied. And it worked. I felt better. But later I felt calm and somehow that I was operating at a new level.

Some part of us deep down knows this one works. We respond to the beat to the rhythm.

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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