Coaching Tip Of The Day – Threat Or Challenge

How Do You View Life Do you live in fear? Do you lay awake at night worried you won’t have enough clients? Do you think your competitors will take your clients? Take The Challenge Rather…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Your Genius

Did You Know You Are A Genius? This is tribal wisdom I learned in Africa from an elder named Malidoma Some` If We Each Live Our Highest Potential We All Succeed Rather than compete where…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Reinvent Yourself

How Long have You Been Doing The Same Old Thing When was the last time you reinvented yourself? Have you become stale? Do you feel fresh and inspired? When You Reinvent Yourself You Stimulate Interest…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Time To Get Clear

Do You Remember Your Intentions It is so easy to get distracted and forget where you really want to go It takes focus and persistence Are You Clear… Really Clear One client said their goal…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – M.O.V.E. Reminder

How Are You Doing With Your Goals For The Year According to Tony Robbins, 93% of the people who set goals have diverted from them within 90 days of setting them. Is this YOU? Here…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Money Is Not Enough

Money Only Goes So Far Money is usually the #1 issue I have with my clients. Here is a story about the importance of enjoying each day no matter what! A full wallet and an…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – 4 Pillars Of Success

Get Focused And Supported By The 4 Pillars Of Success Motivation – This is pillar #1 Motivation is the fuel transporting you to your desired outcome Organization – Pillar #2 Organization gets you where you…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Job or Calling

Do You Have A Job Or A Calling A job is something you do to make money or serve some purpose in life. A calling is a “deep in the soul” life purpose kind of…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Feelings

The Way You Feel Has A Huge Impact On How You Bring Your Gift to The World What feelings do you seek? How do you want to feel every day? If you could make five…
