Coaching Tip Of The Day – Modify Your Plan

How Often Do You Modify Your Plan? Your initial plan is hardly ever the one you actually execute. You modify your plan often to reach your desired outcome. Think of yourself as a torpedo and…


Coaching Tip of The Day – Look At Yourself!

Look At Yourself Deep Long And Lovingly! It is so important for you to look at yourself and see you as what you really are and desire to be. How often do you look at…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – What Are You Attracting?

You Are Attracting The Life and Business You Have! If you are attracting the life and business you have, is it what you intend? I have been in places before where I was thinking…”How the…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Get Into The Flow

Are You In The Flow? Being in the flow is critical to productivity! So often we push and try and fight our way to our desired outcome when it is easier to just go with…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – How Do You Reward Yourself?

Do You Ever Reward Yourself? Most people I talk to are so concerned about taking care of their clients they forget to reward themselves. When I am coaching someone whether for business or for personal…
