Daily Support Exercise

What Do You Do To Keep Yourself In A Helpful And Productive State? Do you ever plan how you want to feel? Have you ever made a declaration for the day? Do you make a…


3 Opportunities For Your Success

Find The Best Program For You Finding the right match for you in terms of coaching and guidance is very important. Some people are ready to jump into the deep end of the pool right…


MOVE – What Does A MOVE Day Look Like

What Your Day Will Look Like Although each MOVE is customized to meet the needs of whoever I am working with, we use the same basic format in terms of questions and diving into the Four…


MOVE – What Is It

I Love This Program! MOVE is a full day program, 8 hours of diving deep into the Four Pillars of Success: motivation, organization, visualization and execution so that you have a clear vision for where…


7 Not Stupid Questions

Don’t You Hate It When People Ask Stupid Questions? I have watched more self-help videos than I care to think about and have attended a ridiculous number of seminars that have claimed to give me…


Three Keys To Success

Three Keys To Success These are three keys to success that will change the game for you! Focused Crystal Clear Vision In order to know where you are going, you need to have a target…


Pay Attention – Finding a Coach

Pay Attention What Did He Really Say? I just watched a “motivational” video by Steve Harvey. I know he is a very visible figure in the field of motivation and self-help, but check out what…


The Success Story of Jill and her Shift It!

Shift It!

Meet Jill The Success Story This is The Success Story…I met Jill (name changed to protect confidentiality) about a year ago. She was an aspiring entrepreneur. Her business was growing very slowly and she was…
