Coaching Tip Of The Day – Rock And Roll

It Is time To Rock And Roll Are you ready to rock and roll? Sometimes we just have to decide that we are ready. It is kind of like jumping off the high dive. Decide,…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Prepare For Resistance

Prepare For Resistance It Will Always Show Up This is one of the most pervasive difficulties I finds with people at all levels of achievement. No matter how well you plan or how hard you…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – What Is Your Dream?

What Is Your Dream? How does your dream come into alignment with your clients and customers? Who do you need to connect with to create your dream. Does it inspire passion? What are you willing…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Move Backwards

To Move Forward…Move Backwards Start at the finish line and move backwards to where you are now. This is the key to creating a good clear strategic plan of action. When you know where you…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Postage Stamps & Billboards

Is Your Vision Like Postage Stamps Or Billboards? Postage stamps are small and barely visible. Billboards are big and bright and distracting. Which represents your vision? Both serve a purpose. Do you want your business…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – You Are Never Ready

Fire – Aim – Ready If you wait till you are ready you will never achieve your dream. Whether you are looking to improve your business or your life. In my coaching and consulting work…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Discipline Of The Mind

The Most Important Issue Lack of mental discipline is a killer! Every one I have talked to and worked with has the same issue. Monkey mind. Chatter in the head. That distracting negativity that is…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Work Or Get A Job

Being An Entrepreneur Is Not Easy There are great benefits in coaching. A coach can give you another set of eyes to see through. It takes work, focus and congruence to have success. It takes…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Resistance

Resistance – Friend Or Foe Resistance can be your greatest helper or your greatest hindrance. It all depends on your point of view. Resistance is your friend when it triggers the reality that what you…
