Coaching Tip Of The Day – Journey Or Destination

Which Is More Important Sometimes the journey is just as rewarding even if the outcome is different from your intended desire Sometimes Things Don’t Come Out The Way You Intend Do you still learn when…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Planning

How Far Out Do You Plan Do you know what you will be promoting 3 months from now? A week from now? Planning For Success Will Increase Your Success The luckiest people in business are…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Expand Your Perception

When You See Something New How Do You Respond Someone told me I don’t need to wear a suit for my coaching tip videos. They said “Just Be You”. Guess what… This is me! In…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Creating Meaning

Are Your Interactions Meaningful Do you just do your job or do you have a meaningful passion for what you do? Do you create meaningful experiences for your clients? The “Why” Matters Your clients can…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – What Car Are You

Chevy Or Bentley Have you determined your value? Do you hold tight to your value than a client asks for help? You Always Get What You Pay For Do you under value yourself? Do you…
