Greetings from the island of Kauai!
I’m having an awesome time here on the island. One of the treasures of Kauai is the number of healers and spiritually-connected people that live here. It seems everywhere you go, you meet open hearts, smiles, and hear “Aloha!”
The vibe of the island is old and sacred. Last week I had the pleasure of doing a concert with some of the amazing beings on the assignment. All of us are dedicated to the practice of sound healing. It was truly a night of miracles, healing, and tremendous spiritual expansion. My co-conspirators were Elijah Ray, Tiffany Tatum, Hazar Courson, and John Dumas. I have played with Elijah before but never the other three. What a pleasure!
As we began, Hazar lead the group in an exercise helping them to connect to their own ability to create sound and open their energy. As she finished her exercise, John took over with his flute and didgeridoo and brought the crowd to an all-new height. This led Tiffany into a beautiful chant, and other percussive instruments to rally the energy of Elijah, who in turn did a beautiful job of looping track after track after track, creating a choir-like angelic feeling to the room. He got a rhythm going and gave me the nod, prompting me to get the djembe started. And for the next hour the room was rock steady: each person shining their light in the world, being featured doing vocal solos, didgeridoo solos, flute solos, and Elijah rocked it out on the djembe with me. What an amazing time!
As you can see in the picture, the drumming was strenuous. My shirt is completely soaked! What a time! We had the place rock’n and rolling: people were dancing, laying down on the floor, and receiving healings. Danny Hashimoto came in and was delivering his magic cacao! It was truly an evening of magic. I have never worked with such skilled vocalists.
It was amazing to hear the variety of sounds that came from these women. The beautiful angelic soft multi-harmony tones, combined with piercing sounds that were definitely “otherworldly.” Hazar is on the left and Tiffany on the right with the painted face. There was a girl by the name of Rose in the audience who is a masterful body painter. So Tiffany—along with many of the other participants in the audience—had beautifully painted faces and images painted on their bodies. It was quite amazing. Everybody brings their gift in a different way, and it is all very valuable.
At one time, some of our setup crew had to remove chairs to make enough room for everyone to dance. There was one moment when John, Elijah, and I were playing so vigorously, I thought we might set off a fire alarm! Then the energy would settle down and these beautiful tones would float through the air supported by the rhythm of the drum and the drone of the didgeridoo. It was as though we all had a conductor that was leading the orchestra, yet every moment was free-flowing magic.
Sometimes John plays the flute, and sometimes the didgeridoo. He also happens to be a very accomplished percussionist. The melodies of the flute were haunting. The drone of the digital was powerful and earthy. It was a night of great beauty.
Stay tuned for more information about this concert and other events I experience here on the island. I want to thank my colleagues for joining me on the stage this beautiful night. Thank you for bringing your gifts to the world and I look forward to playing with you all again!