Success Story
December is a month filled with success stories! Shift-It! is helping many people! I received this great story from a client we will call Jen. It made me smile!
About two months ago I worked with Jen on her Shift It! She was ready for a change and was a little apprehensive because she had tried other methods to solve her problem and they did not work. As we progressed through the consultation Jen expressed the desire to shed the weight she had been gaining since a traumatic episode in her life a few years back. As I worked with her it was apparent that she was carrying this event from the past, into the present and creating anxiety about the future. We did an effective “timeline shift” and identified the things that needed to SHIFT in her life. Jen Was SHOCKED!
Shift-It! Provided The Necessary SHIFT!
I sent Jen her Shift It! soundtrack the next day and she began to listen to it. Sometimes two or three times per day. She called me a week later and said ” I feel so energized when I listen to it! But, there are a couple of parts that are really irritating!” I assured her that these were parts of her energy that were resisting the shift. “Keep listening to it for one more week.” She did and I received a call 2 weeks later.
“OMG, This Is So Wild!”
“Toby, This is Jen. I have the best problem in the world. Most of my clothes don’t fit!”
To make a long happy story short, Jen realized that a great thing to do was to go on a walk while she listened to her Shift It! This gave her time without distraction to really take it in.
She then realized that when she walked and listened to her soundtrack, she felt energized and got more accomplished and therefore felt better about herself.
One night she realized that she had not participated in the long-standing ritual of ice cream before bed. As a matter of fact, it had been a couple of weeks since she had craved sweets!
She jumped up and ran to the bathroom where she stepped on the scale… SHOCK!!! of the best kind!
She had achieved her target weight! What happened next was even more amazing.
She looked in the mirror and smiled! This was new behavior. Before her Shift It! she never wanted to look at herself, Now she was proud to do so!
We all Need Help Getting Through Our Obstacles
This is one of many stories of people’s lives that have been positively transformed by participating in the Shift It! program. You have the ability to achieve any desired outcome. Sometimes you just need to SHIFT!
If you are ready to create your success story Click Here and let’s get your Shift It! ready!