Kava and Friends
As I reflect on my days of drinking kava with my friends Gary and Lynn it occurs to me that I am finally back home! I gotta tell you it’s cold here in Park City. I got up the other day to go for a walk. Put on my usual walking gear, stepped outside, took one breath… Oh my God! It’s freezing here! 33°. After two months in Hawaii, a week in Miami, a week in Calgary, and the week in DC, I was ready for home. Not realizing how my body has adapted to the warm temperatures I immediately became aware and put on a winter coat and long pants and had a delightful walk. I Had been longing for those intense walks up Main Street and visiting my favorite pastry shop but going from 80° every day to freezing is a culture shock!
Refreshing But COLD!!
I must say the changing leaves here in the mountains and the fresh air, cold as it is, is a very refreshing change. I have been able to reconnect with my drums, my guitars, and have caught up on my work. I’m really enjoying my time here and I’m enjoying the seasonal changes, the energy of the mountains, and reconnecting with friends.
Football Therapy
One thing that is interesting, is the restlessness that I feel being stationary. It is definitely an energetic shift to ground in and be home. I’m so grateful for my experiences over the past few months and I am looking forward to visiting the Bay Area, Seattle, and Denver in the coming months. So as I return to normal life, watching the NFL games on Sunday, driving with my friend David, and going out to hear my friend Rich Wyman play I find a sense of fullness that comes from home. Who knows I might even start doing yoga again.
Well that’s the update for now I wish you all the best in the coming weeks and look forward to seeing my friends in the areas that I will soon visit!