Coaching Tip Of The Day – Building Sustainable Business

Is Your Business Sustainable?

Building a quick “flash in the pan” cash machine might work for a while but time spent thinking long term is worthing.

Building a sustainable business takes time, focus, strategy and a plan. It requires a container that allows your dreams to grow.

How Far Out Have You Planned?

Sustainable means long lasting. Will your business be around in 20 or 30 years? Are you building a legacy?

Check out this video and if it resinates with you, contact me and we will have a conversation about how I can help you.


Categorized as Coaching

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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