Coaching Series Month 5 Video #4 ProActive Silence

ProActive Silence Is A Powerful Strategy

ProActive Silence puts you in the position of power. You can carefully and mindfully chose your responses when you listen.

There is a saying that the one who talks the most knows the least. Have you ever met a person that knows everything about EVERYTHING?

How annoying! Right?

First of all, I think the most accurate evaluation of this kind of person is that they are insecure.  Therefore they think that by having the “one up” on people they will be admired.

However, truth is, it’s the exactly the opposite. Furthermore they alienate those around them because they appear arrogant.

Proactive Silence Takes Practice

There is an ancient saying: …and the wise man said, nothing.

We can really learn from this. When you are clear on your path, core values, core beliefs and mission, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone!

In the GeniusLab Sessions you we work through intense exercises to get you crystal clear on these things.


Lets work together and boost your confidence, success, productivity and motivation! > CLICK HERE to check out the #GeniusLab

Categorized as Coaching

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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