Since the first of the year I have had an explosion of orders for Shift It!. These customized soundtracks are remarkable and those who have already experienced what a transformation it makes have nothing but praise for this one-of-a-kind program.
I received this comment in an email today from Dr. Penny who recently attended one of my workshops in Hawaii. She ordered a Shift It! while she was there, and here’s what she had to say:
Re: Shift It. Okay. something that powerful should carry warning labels! Forget surfing 50-footers, max wave first time out – by that I mean, at the limits of what the body could energetically take (and that was only part of the journey). Beyond anything I have ever experienced. 3,000 years in 30 minutes. My new toy. My new portal to healing whatever needs tuning up. My new expansion into the next level of what is humanly possible in concert with All That Is.
“Shift It” is an understatement for this tool.
Thank you Toby!
―Dr.P (
I am thrilled when I get these responses! I have come to believe that the power of sound has been severely underestimated in our culture. Sound in harmony with one’s desire to shift, change, transform or all of the above is the fastest, most potent and most pain-free method of healing!
I encourage those of you who are really done with the old stuff and ready to embrace the greatness of who you are to make the investment in your self and Shift It!
Make the ultimate SHIFT! Contact me here with any questions on getting started. I look forward to hearing from you!