Coaching Tip Of The Day – What Defines You?

What Defines You? Your looks, your bank account, the size of your house? Is it your dynamic personality or the way you are able to persuade people. Are You Defined By Your Character Or Clout?…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – 3rd Party Validation

How Do You Get Your Validation? Validation is important. It lets us know if people are listening and if they are hearing our intended message. But if you validate your work on what people are saying…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Stillness Among Chaos

Can You Find Stillness In Utter Chaos? Finding stillness in the chaos can be the difference between success and failure. The difference between gain and loss. Our world is moving so fast it is a…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Your Most Powerful Tool

Awareness Is Your Most Powerful Tool The reason awareness is your most powerful tool is because where your awareness goes, your energy goes! In business and life there are many things competing for your awareness.…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Shifting Your Mind

Shifting Your Mind Is Key To Productivity If you want maximum motivation, inspiration and problem solving skills, shifting your mind is an important skill. The place we all get stuck is in our thinking. Our…


Coaching Tip Of The Day – Detours and Distractions

What Are Your Detours and Distractions? Detours rob your power and productivity. Distractions can eradicate motivation, inspiration and solutions. Detours and distractions keep you in a state of stress and disempowerment. As business coach, one…
