Take Time To Define Your Mission How you define your mission cam make all the difference in the world to wether you accomplish it or not. Most people I talk to have no idea what…
Coaching Series Month 3 Video #3 Start Living Your Legacy
Start Living Your Legacy OK so, when do you start living your legacy? How about NOW! Most people talk about their legacy as if it only starts when we are in the ground. Guess what,…
Coaching Series Month 3 Video #2 Core Values, Beliefs, Goals and Mission
Core Values Are One Of Four Factors Which Determine Your Legacy Of all the determining factors for clarity, focus and building your legacy, core values are the most important. Lots of people associate beliefs with…
Coaching Series Month 3 Video #1 Building Your Legacy
Building Your Legacy What is your legacy? Also have you thought about what it is you will leave behind when you are dead and gone? What do you want to be remembered for? What are…
Coaching Series Month 2 Video #5 Congruence
What Is Congruence? Congruence is the most important aspect of creating status. It is laser focused attention to what you want to be and create. When you are in a congruent state all of your…
Coaching Series Month Two Video #4 Building Internal Status
An Example Of Internal Status First of all, Internal status is not something you necessarily see, it is more something you feel. Have you ever been in a room and a famous person comes walking…
Coaching Series Month Two Video #3 How Do You Keep Score?
What Is The Score? Keeping score is something we all do and we do it in many ways. Some do it by comparing. For example, I have more money than you so I have a…
Coaching Series Month Two Video #2 Status By Impact
How Do You Make An Impact In The World? We all make an impact in the world to one degree or another. My question is do you do it intentionally or unintentionally? Status by impact…
Coaching Series Month Two Video #1 Establishing Your Status
How Do You Establish Status? We all naturally seek status, Its in our DNA. When you are in a room full of people you, by nature start looking to find where and how you fit…
Coaching Series Month One Video #4 Don’t Let People’s Response Deturmine Your Meaning
What If They Were Concerned With People’s Response? It’s so easy to get caught up in the fear of people’s response. What would have happened to Bill Gates if he let the first responses to…