One of the kindest and most amazing people on the planet is Sam Bonanno at Larry’s Music in Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii. I met Sam a couple of years ago while visiting the island. Although a…
Author: Toby Christensen
Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.
Toby Back in Hawaii
Well I just retuned from my annual winter trek to Kauai. Here is a rainbow that appeared while we drummed on the beach one evening. It was my best trip yet! I spent lots of…
Amazing Reunion – Malidoma Some’
The story I am about to convey is a story I never dreamed would actually happen, although I have asked for the Ancestors to make it so for many years. There is a man that…
New Music For February
This is a piece from my World Unity CD. It’s a great one to listen to when you feel stuck or low energy. There is a song called Waltzing Matilda, referred to as “the unofficial…
How To Tune Your Djembe
Many people have been asking me how to tune their drums. So, tonight my friend, Kirk, and I decided it was time to make a video to show you how it’s done. From the paradise…
Claiming Your Genius – The book is almost here
Here is a little taste from the intro of my new book. Stay tuned for more … In 1998, I went to Africa. In my wake across the Atlantic, I left a flotsam of failed…
Build Energy For The New Year!
Here is your music clip for the month of January. As many of you have read on the blog, I reunited with some old friends this past year who I used to play music with.…
World Unity – Wake Up
This blog is the operations central for the HEALINGDRUMMER WORLD PEACE PARTY that will take place December 20th. For the past three years I have ended every event with a few minutes of DRUMMING FOR…
New Developments in “Where Should Toby Live”
I am so grateful for all the people who responded to me about great places to live. I just returned from Green Bay and I must say, the Friday Fish Fry, the Butter Burgers and…
Finding A Place To Live
Ok I have the good fortune to be in a position to buy my next house. I am very excited and have been thinking…where should I move. I love Park City, but to be in…