I’ve been here for weeks now. It’s probably time that I do some writing. So I want to share with you the fun and magnificence of the island of Kauai! This is by far the…
Author: Toby Christensen
Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.
I Never Thought The Day Would Come!! IT DID!!
Have you ever wanted something so badly you dare not even think about it for fear the imposibility of it happening would be so devastating you don’t even want to imagine it? Have you ever…
Healing The Earth
This month I would like to focus attention on healing the Earth. Watching the devastation of the Gulf Coast here in the US brings strong awareness that as inhabitance of this planet we need to rally our…
Content Reframe!
OK so I am on my way to the airport this morning. It’s snowing so I left a half hour early in case the roads were bad. I drive a little sports car that sucks…
Healing Drummer Hawaiian Adventure
This August 17-27, I will be hosting a Hawaiian adventure. This exclusive trip is for a very limited number of people who feel called to swim with Dolphins and the Sea Turtles; those who want…
Healing Drummer in Denver
One of my goals for 2010 is to open 3 new major territories. A couple of months ago I made my first steps towards doing that with my first workshop in Denver Colorado. With the…
Cold In Calgary
I was recently in Calgary Canada teaching at the World Unity Shamanic Training Institute. I had a bunch of fun with the gang and started a second round of teachings for a new group. We…
Missing Carol
Yesterday I received a call that my friend Carol passed away. She called me a couple months ago and said she wanted a drum. “My cancer is back and I think I am going to…
Music For March- World Unity
This is my favorite song my World Unity CD. It is dedicated to the peace makers. So enjoy the sounds and think of ways you can bring more peace and harmony to the world! As…
Kauai Wellness Expo – Fun Energy and Celebrities!
While on Kauai last month I had the pleasure of attending the Kauai Wellness Expo. What a great event! I was in some great energy and met a bunch of people who are committed to…