Uplift Your Wiry Soul with Shift It! The Ultimate Shift

The Ultimate Shift

Do you ever feel just plain tired and feel like you need the ultimate shift?

Have you ever felt like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and there is no place to put it down?

Do you ever feel like you are on a one-way street of give, give, give until you have nothing left?

Are you ready to give yourself what you need? Are you ready to receive? You deserve it!

Shift-It! Testimonial

After being on a one-way street of giving to the point of utter burnout and significant health compromises, here is what one of my clients said about her Shift It!:

I really wasn’t sure about Shift It! But as I worked with it, the beats went on, and things began to change. I struggle with a chronic condition that leaves me with poor endurance. So one day I decided to play my Shift It! loud while I tried to do some housecleaning. Was I surprised, after an hour that I was still moving about cleaning. I took a break and did another hour; that day was the most cleaning I’d done by myself in a long time. As a massage therapist, medicine woman, and energy medicine practitioner, I understand that body-mind-spirit work can alter the energetics of the container-body. As I’ve continued work with my Shift It! I am increasingly aware of the shifts. There are sometimes subtle and then sometimes obvious penetrating sensations with the vibrations that are gentle but noticeable. Good name — Shift It!

Rhythm Can Restore Your Energy

Chronic energy compromises seem to be present everywhere. Well-meaning healers are getting themselves to the point of total exhaustion. The need in our world is certainly great!

Shift It! Logo

In this Shift It! sample, I have designed the melody, the rhythm, and the instruments to affect the body, mind, and energy field in a way that restores vital life force energy. As you listen to the soundtrack, feel the vibrations on your body. What part of your body is asking for the most attention? How about the part of your body’s fields is empty? What part feels over-amped? Breathe into these places while you listen to the soundtrack, and feel the energy field in your body relax, ease, and balance.

After you connect to that place of calmness, open yourself to receive the vibrations as a source of energy. Feel yourself filled with the music as though it is fuel entering a fuel canister, giving you reserve energy for you to draw from as demands continue.

A standard Shift It! the soundtrack is 30 minutes. If you listen to it every day, at least twice a day, you will find your energy field stays clear, calm, and energized. Put it to the test with this sample!

Listen here to Shift It! Build Your Energy!

[mp3j track=”http://www.tobychristensen.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Shift-It-Sample-6.mp3″ autoplay=”y” flip=”y” title=”Shift It! Build Your Energy” vol=”100″]

Do you want to discover what your own customized Shift It! soundtrack can do for you? Let’s discuss what you want and need! Contact me here.

By Toby Christensen

Toby Christensen, The Healing Drummer, is a recognized expert and innovator in the field of healing music. “Change Your Rhythm and Change Your Life” is the foundation of his healing therapies, his teachings, and his music.

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